Friday, February 17, 2012

Gulfood Dubai

De 19 a 22 de Fevereiro visite-nos na feira Gulfood Dubai e veja algumas das nossas soluções...

Stand Z-E 104 [Zabell Hall].
Gulfood é um dos certames mais importantes do sector alimentar mundial.
Os seus dados estatísticos "falam por si": 3,500 expositores, 81 pavilhões e 55.000 compradores oriundos de 152 países.

From the 19th to the 22nd of February visit us on the exhibition Gulfood Dubai and see some of our solutions...

Stand Z-E ( Zabern Hall).
Gulfood is one of the world's most important exhibitions for the food industry.
The statistics point out as follows: 3.500 exhibitors, 81 halls and 55.000 costumers from 152 countries.

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